My interest is less in scrapbooking for its own sake and more that it's an easy path to making art with my photos and my new Photoshop Elements software. Here's my first work.
I'm putting new pieces up in my gallery at Scrap Orchard.
The true heaven is, in the raising of this poor sinful soul to His love, knowledge, and likeness; to purity, to humility, -- to kindness, to truth, to trust; to the possession of the treasures of unbounded truth; the fellowship and cooperation with all good minds in all works of love; and the enlargement of this soul to the great and increasing capacity for virtue. This is heaven.
Amidst the downward tendency and proneness of things, when every voice is raised for a new road or another statue, or a subscription of stock, for an improvement in dress, or in dentistry, for a new house or a larger business, for a political party, or the division of an estate -- will you not tolerate one or two solitary voices in the land, speaking for thoughts and principles not marketable and perishable?